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Routledge Key Guides Fifty Major Philosophers (Paperback)

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Product Name
Routledge Key Guides Fifty Major Philosophers (Paperback)
Product Description

A comprehensive update of the best-selling first edition this revitalized new text presents readers with a series of clear well-written entries focusing on fifty of the most influential philosophers from the last two thousand years. Chosen to present the traditional mainstream of European philosophy the text also provides a critical survey that meets the needs of readers seeking a broad basic understanding as well as a foundation for further philosophical enquiry. Encompassing a wide range of ancient medieval and modern philosophers features of the second edition include: new entries on Dewey Collingwood Popper Quine Merleau-Ponty Ayer and Rawls a thorough revision of existing entries a complete update of the further reading section an expanded glossary the addition of an alphabetical table of contents and an index for ease of use. Authoritative and highly readable this book is a vital reference tool for all those wishing to improve their understanding of some of the world s most fascinating intellectual figures.

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March 9, 2025

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