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Prestone Dot 4 Brake Fluid 32 fl oz

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Product Name
Prestone Dot 4 Brake Fluid 32 fl oz
Product Description

Prestone® DOT 4 Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid delivers enhanced performance vs. DOT standards benefitting all vehicles calling for DOT 4. This synthetic fluid starts with a higher dry boiling point than the DOT minimum standard to protect against overheating brake fade and performance decline due to water absorption. This extended life (50 000 mile) fluid is also formulated to prevent corrosion of all metals within the braking system. This formula is safe to use in all DOT 4 braking systems (ABS disc or drum) and can mix with any DOT 4 fluid. It is recommended to only use the DOT fluid specified for your car as using a different DOT product can affect the boiling point or replacement interval if the wrong fluid is used.

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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