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A Private Family Matter : A Memoir (Paperback)

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Product Name
A Private Family Matter : A Memoir (Paperback)
Product Description

The heart-breaking yet powerfully uplifting story of a family in crisis and how one man rises from the shadow of a violent brutal father to become a shining example of transcendance.This is a story about how I was saved by love at a time when most people considered me beyond rescue. So begins Victor Rivas Rivers in this powerful chronicle of his escape from the war zone of domestic violence--too often regarded as a private family matter --and his journey toward independence recovery and renewal. In A Private Family Matter Victor recalls his days as an angry youth living under the rule and wrath of his father. A Cuban immigrant Victor s dad was nicknamed El Ciclón for his tempestuous temperament which led him not only to beat his wife but to abuse--and eventually kidnap--his own children. How Victor managed to seek help for his family and criminal punishment for his father overcome his demons and learn to love himself and share his experience with other victims and survivors of domestic abuse is at the heart of this profound and affecting memoir.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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