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LEE Tippi Micro-Gel Fingertip Grips Assorted Sizes (2-blue size 3 3-red size 5 3-clear size 7 2-green size 9) 10/pk. (61410)

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Product Name
LEE Tippi Micro-Gel Fingertip Grips Assorted Sizes (2-blue size 3 3-red size 5 3-clear size 7 2-green size 9) 10/pk. (61410)
Product Description

Maximize your productivity with Tippi Micro Gel Grips. Our ergonomic finger grip increases efficiency when handling papers counting and sorting. Our gel grips are designed with friction ridges to permit better grip. They will boost your hand’s ability to perform everyday tasks while reducing stress to its muscles and joints. They are specifically manufactured with ventilation passages to eliminate finger sweat. The patented open-end design allows longer nail to pierce material for better fit. It is acid PVC and latex-free to promote a safer and healthier environment. Tippi is available in a variety of colors and sizes for preference and ease of use. Bank tellers cashiers mailroom clerks and many other professionals use Tippi in their workplace.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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