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Comparative Federalism: Theory and Practice (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Comparative Federalism: Theory and Practice (Hardcover)
Product Description

A new examination of contemporary federalism and federation which delivers a detailed theoretical study underpinned by fresh case studies. It is grounded in a clear distinction between federations particular kinds of states and federalism the thinking that drives and promotes them. It also details the origins formation evolution and operations of federal political interests through an authoritative series of chapters that: analyze the conceptual bases of federalism and federation through the evolution of the intellectual debate on federalism; the American Federal experience; the origins of federal states; and the relationship between state-building and national integration explore comparative federalism and federation by looking at five main pathways into comparative analysis with empirical studies on the US Canada Australia India Malaysia Belgium Germany Austria Switzerland and the EU explore the pathology of federations looking at failures and successes the impact of globalization. The final chapter also presents a definitive assessment of federal theory. This book will be of great interest to students and researchers of federalism devolution comparative politics and government.

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March 4, 2025

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