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Information Security: Design Implementation Measurement and Compliance (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Information Security: Design Implementation Measurement and Compliance (Hardcover)
Product Description

Organizations rely on digital information today more than ever before. Unfortunately that information is equally sought after by criminals. New security standards and regulations are being implemented to deal with these threats but they are very broad and organizations require focused guidance to adapt the guidelines to their specific needs. Fortunately Information Security: Design Implementation Measurement and Compliance outlines a complete roadmap to successful adaptation and implementation of a security program based on the ISO/IEC 17799:2005 (27002) Code of Practice for Information Security Management. The book first describes a risk assessment model a detailed risk assessment methodology and an information security evaluation process. Upon this foundation the author presents a proposed security baseline for all organizations an executive summary of the ISO/IEC 17799 standard and a gap analysis exposing the differences between the recently rescinded version and the newly released version of the standard. Finally he devotes individual chapters to each of the 11 control areas defined in the standard covering systematically the 133 controls within the 39 control objectives. Tim Layton s Information Security is a practical tool to help you understand the ISO/IEC 17799 standard and apply its principles within your organization s unique context.

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March 4, 2025

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