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Super Swole: Add 15 lbs of Muscle in Six Weeks (Paperback)

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Product Name
Super Swole: Add 15 lbs of Muscle in Six Weeks (Paperback)
Product Description

SWOLE uses a mix of modern exercise science nutrition genetics and supplementation to accelerate muscle growth over a 6 week period and beyond. You can gain up to 15 pounds of muscle with this system drug-free. For experienced trainees and even drug using athletes there s still much to be learned from its clear explanation of strength training geared towards hypertrophy. Topics covered include: Protein synthesis (hypertrophy) Optimal sets reps and loads for growth Post-workout shake design mTOR Testosterone Dihydrotestosterone Cortisol Estrogen Genetics Natural vs drug training Whey supplements One-sided training Dangerous exercises Low-carb effects DEXA Leucine optimisation Beta Alanine Nitric Oxide Creatine AMPK And if you just panicked reading that list - relax - it s all explained in simple language. Fast become an expert and make the gains that fewer than 1% of trainees ever make (regardless of drug status). Why wait to get the gains you ve been looking for? Ageing gradually reduces key hormones meaning the sooner you add the muscle you want the better. Start today and surprise your friends and family quickly. ***** Jack Armstrong is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist employed by Hollywood A-listers to get them into shape fast. This includes over a dozen actors featured in the IMDb s Top 250.

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March 4, 2025

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