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Braun No Touch Forehead Digital Thermometer All Ages White BNT300US

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Product Name
Braun No Touch Forehead Digital Thermometer All Ages White BNT300US
Product Description

When checking for a fever at home you want accurate and reliable results quickly. The Braun No Touch + Forehead Thermometer delivers. This non-contact forehead thermometer provides clinically accurate readings without waking your child up and can also be used as a no touch thermometer for adults babies toddlers and children. Plus it’s also able to be used as a traditional touch forehead thermometer. It’s easy to use this touch free thermometer. The on-screen positioning system confirms proper distance and guidance light directs for accurate aiming. The color-coded display will glow green yellow or red to present the temperature reading. Plus it’s a great choice for a non-invasive thermometer for the entire family. It can be used as a Fahrenheit thermometer but also provides Celsius readings. The color coded temperature guidance helps get readings at a glance and understand them easily. A green display suggests a normal temperature yellow signifies an elevated temperature and a red display indicates a high temperature. Braun thermometers are the most recommended by pediatricians.* Your family’s health is of the utmost importance and we make contactless thermometers and digital thermometers you can trust. *Based on an Ardent Consulting Survey reporting that of the surveyed pediatricians who recommend a brand of thermometers to their patients Braun is the most recommended brand.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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