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Hasbro Shooter Bots Game Interactive Battle with Robot Colors Vary

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Product Name
Hasbro Shooter Bots Game Interactive Battle with Robot Colors Vary
Product Description

This mix of artificial intelligence infrared technology and sleek futuristic design brings high-tech tag into the future in a game of kid against machine! In three rounds of increasingly difficult play players dodge and weave with their blaster in hand in an attempt to defeat their Bot before the Bot beats them. The interactive Bot tracks players and locks onto them. When the Bot locks onto its target it heads towards them. A player knows when he or she has been hit when his or her device vibrates. On the other hand when a player hits a Bot the Bot moves back and forth as if it s stunned. The game allows players to challenge their own Bot or test their skills against their friends and their Bots. For 1 or More Players Ages 8 and Up. 4 AA batteries required Hasbro Shooter Bots Game Interactive Battle with Robot Colors Vary Defend yourself against a track-and-attack robot in a game of high-tech tag Shooter Bots combine artificial intelligence and infrared technology with a cool futuristic design If a player is hit the shooter vibrates; if you successfully shoot the bot you win the round For 1 or More Players Ages 8 and Up. 4 AA batteries required Recommended for ages 8 and up Brand is Hasbro

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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