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Pre-Owned Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL® Test Book with CD-ROM (Paperback) 0521784018 9780521784016

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL® Test Book with CD-ROM (Paperback) 0521784018 9780521784016
Product Description

Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL(R) Test Fourth Edition helps students master the language skills they need to succeed on the TOEFL(R) iBT and communicate effectively in an academic setting. Using an integrated skills approach that mirrors the structure of the TOEFL(R) iBT this fully revised text is ideal for classroom use and self-study. The book contains hundreds of skill-building exercises covering all of the question types in the exam and four practice tests. A supporting skills section is provided to improve grammar vocabulary pronunciation and study skills. The CD-ROM includes the tests from the book plus three additional practice tests in an electronic format that simulates the online TOEFL(R) iBT. The audio program available on Audio CDs or Audio Cassettes contains conversations lectures and all listening material for all listening exercises and test questions.

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September 14, 2024

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