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Trilingual Kids Coloring Book Series: Insects & Reptiles: Serie rilingüe de ibros para colorear para niños: insectos y reptiles 三语儿童彩绘丛书 ਲ਼

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Trilingual Kids Coloring Book Series: Insects & Reptiles: Serie rilingüe de ibros para colorear para niños: insectos y reptiles 三语儿童彩绘丛书 ਲ਼
Product Description

Kids love animals and coloring books. This is a coloring book series that teaches kids animal names in three languages (English Spanish Chinese). It s perfect for adults who want to challenge their child and learn to recognize animals they don t see in every other kid s book. This coloring book series has Insects and Reptiles from all over the world. The books have been designed with simple black and white images (Flying Animals Insects Mammals Exotic Animals and Water Animals) and have a simple way not to have markers bleed onto the next page. Kids will learn the names of animals in three languages. They ll have fun while learning and they ll be exposed to new words. The illustrations are black and white Insects and Reptiles from all over the world. The books are designed to be fun and educational so they re great for any age group. They re also an excellent tool for teaching kids how to read in multiple languages - just by pointing out which animal is being named on each page! We created an educational coloring book series that will help kids learn new languages while having fun with their favorite hobby. This way both children and parents can enjoy these creative activities together! Let your children learn about animals in a fun and interactive way. Encourage your child s creativity by coloring the pages of this book together. Learn 3 new languages (Spanish Mandarin Chinese and English) Provides exposure to different animals not usually seen in children s books Imagine teaching your child 3 languages at once with one book! Children learn English Spanish and Mandarin Chinese with Trilingual Kids Coloring Book series. They also see animals not typically featured in children s books as well as know their 3 names and point them when asked correctly. Purchase now! Serie rilingüe de ibros para colorear para niños: todos los libros 三语儿童彩绘丛书 所有的书

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February 26, 2025

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