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Zoo Med Natural Sinking Mud Musk Turtle Dry Food 2.15 oz

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Product Name
Zoo Med Natural Sinking Mud Musk Turtle Dry Food 2.15 oz
Product Description

Zoo Med s Aquatic Turtle Food is used and recommended by Zoos Veterinariuns and professional breeders worldwide. While some trutle species prefer to feed at the water s surface many bottom-dwelling turtles such as Mud and Musk turtles prefer to consume food from the bottom of their habitat. This aquatic turtle pellet is formulated to meet the dietary requirements of aquatic turtles with a shell length of 2 inches (5 cm) or larger. The bit-sized pellets sink to the bottom of the habitat making it easy for bottom-dwelling turtles to locate their food. For hatchling turtles use Zoo Med s Hatchling formula.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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