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Herman the German: Just Lucky I Guess (Paperback)

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Product Name
Herman the German: Just Lucky I Guess (Paperback)
Product Description

Herman the German This fascinating and amusing account of his life is told by a colorful and highly capable German who became one of America s most successful technical managers in the development of jet engines for aircraft. -David S. Lewis Chairman General Dynamics Corporation Not only has Gerhard Neumann s life been filled with exotic and exciting adventures but he was a highly successful engineer and ex-ecutive-truly a superior individual and one of my favorite people. -Sanford N. McDonnell Chairman McDonnell Douglas Corporation Readers of Gerhard s book will probably come to the same conclusion I formed while doing business with him; there is still room in industry for free spirits. -T. A. Wilson Chairman The Boeing Company

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March 4, 2025

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