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Crystal Radke: My First Learn-To-Write Workbook: Practice for Kids with Pen Control Line Tracing Letters and More! (Paperback)

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Product Name
Crystal Radke: My First Learn-To-Write Workbook: Practice for Kids with Pen Control Line Tracing Letters and More! (Paperback)
Product Description

Help your little one build communication skills with the ultimate writing workbook for kids ages 3 to 5. More than 1 million copies sold! Set kids up to succeed in school with a learn to write for kids guide that offers letter shape and number practice for kindergarten--and beyond. My First Learn-to-Write Workbook introduces early writers to proper pen control line tracing and more with dozens of handwriting exercises that engage their minds and boost their reading and writing comprehension. Get the best in learning books for 3+ year olds with: Comprehensive skill building --As they explore these preschool and kindergarten learning activities kids will build a strong foundation of reading comprehension the alphabet penmanship and fine motor skills. 75+ practice pages --Tons of engaging pencil-on-paper activities like connect-the-dots and fill-in-the-blanks offer enough repetition for real learning but enough variety to keep kids interested. Colorful fun --This bestselling workbook is full of helpful (and slightly silly) pictures and illustrations that will spark kids imaginations and get them excited to keep practicing. Get your child on the path to success with toddler learning activities that help them develop essential skills!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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