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Essential Skills for a Brilliant Family Dog: Books 1-4 (Paperback)

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Essential Skills for a Brilliant Family Dog: Books 1-4 (Paperback)
Product Description

You ve got your new dog you ve got the bowl the collar and the lead. Now what? This puppy doesn t seem to understand anything you say! You got your pet to be your companion - and yet all you seem to do is yell at her! Let s change this right away: instead of focussing on what you don t want your dog to do focus on what you do want. Instead of having unnecessary battles over trivia build up terrific games your dog longs to play with you. Soon your unruly dog will be saying Yes? What would you like me to do for you? And so begins a wonderful partnership. Beverley takes you by the hand and leads you through the games and lessons step-by-step. There s no strange jargon no Thou shalt not s and every time you get stuck another solution pops up. Through years of experience teaching new owners how to work with their puppies and dogs - entirely without force - Beverley knows just what you re up against. This book brings all the four popular how-to books into one volume for easy access. Book 1 Calm Down! shows you how to find your dog s off-switch! You ll wonder how you managed before you learnt this. Book 2 Leave It! has you teaching your dog impulse control so that by being trustworthy around food and doorways he gets greater freedom. Book 3 Let s Go! brings you the Holy Grail of dog ownership - walking nicely on the lead. In just a couple of games a day you ll get the calm walks you yearn for Book 4 Here Boy! teaches your dog the life-saving and sanity-preserving skill of coming back instantly on one call. He ll have such fun he ll be halfway back to you before he knows it.

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March 4, 2025

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