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Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families: Hands-On Lessons That Build Phonemic Awareness Phonics Spelling Reading and (Paperback)

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Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families: Hands-On Lessons That Build Phonemic Awareness Phonics Spelling Reading and (Paperback)
Product Description

Help students make the link between phonemic awareness (hearing sounds in words) and phonics (the visual details of print) with these 55 systematic lessons. Using big and small letter cards word boxes and nursery rhymes--all designed as ready-to-go reproducibles--children manipulate their own letters to make words having high-frequency word patterns. Students then sort these for common word patterns and write more words using the sounds they have just practiced. Perfect for small-group practice the lessons are arranged by vowel patterns to help teachers pick and choose what their students need. For use with Grades K-2.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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