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Lucas Oil 10977 High Mileage Fuel Treatment Additive Case of 24

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Product Name
Lucas Oil 10977 High Mileage Fuel Treatment Additive Case of 24
Product Description

Lucas High Mileage Fuel Treatment is created specifically to restore lost power and performance in high-mileage vehicles. It cleans and lubricates fuel system components removes valve deposits lessens oil contamination and stops knocking and hesitation. Additionally Lucas High Mileage Fuel Treatment works great in modern port-injected engines - maintaining maximum flow and providing lubrication to critical parts. CONTAINS NO ALCOHOL. OXYGEN-SENSOR SAFE. 75 000+ Mileage Fuel Treatment 5.25 Ounce Bottle (Case of 24) Clean fuel injectors and keeps them clean. Reduces intake valve deposits and combustion chamber deposits. Lubricates critical components in the fuel system and engine. Stops knocking and hesitation. Restores lost power and MPG. Lessens oil contamination in older engines. Excellent for use in newer engines for preventative maintenance. Causes fuel to burn more completely for fewer emissions and more MPG.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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