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Manna Pro 7-Grain Ultimate Scratch Purple Corn Chicken Feed 10 lbs

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Product Name
Manna Pro 7-Grain Ultimate Scratch Purple Corn Chicken Feed 10 lbs
Product Description

At Manna Pro we believe in Nurturing Life™. Since 1985 with roots dating back to 1842 Manna Pro has been committed to providing high-quality nutritionally wholesome feeds supplements and treats to your flock at every stage of their lives. As a company comprised of animal lovers we understand the desire to provide your flock with the very best. Our passion is happy healthy pets and we are your trusted partner to provide just that. That’s why we have crafted Manna Pro Ultimate Scratch. This engaging poultry treat is great for a mixed flock of chickens ducks geese turkeys or gamebirds and contains no artificial colors or flavors which means a delicious feed for your flock with wholesome ingredients you trust. Real ingredients and simple nutrition from us means healthy birds better living and peace of mind for you.

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Last updated
February 17, 2025

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