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AmScope 50 Biology Pathology Prepared Microscope Slides Set New

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Product Name
AmScope 50 Biology Pathology Prepared Microscope Slides Set New
Product Description

This is a 50-piece very nice prepared microscope slide set of Biology Pathology. The prepared slides we offer are professionally hand mounted accurately stained and individually labeled. Our microscope slides are great for students of all ages from home-schoolers to college students looking for an excellent introduction to microscopy. The prepared slides give you the most diverse possible biological selection. They are cover-slipped and preserved in cedar wood oil. These slides are premium and machine cleaned giving a sharp image. All slides are carefully labeled for easy reference and are arranged in a fine crafted varnished wooden case with brass hardware. This slide set is a rare mix of 50 prepared slides from which students can find a lot of fun. It is excellent for educational use and is perfect for all levels of student study including home school program. This slides set is and has never been used so your slides will be clean and free of scratches or damage. There is no risk of contamination from previous use. Features & Specifications: 50 PC Glass Prepared Slides. Name Marked on Each Slide. One Hard Wood Slide Case Included. Manufactured Under ISO 9001 Quality Control Standard. Shipping Weight: 2 lbs. Slides Included: - Ascarid Egg w.m. - Aspergillus w.m. - Cabbage (Hydrilla Verticillata) l.s. - Coprinus Mushroom Set c.s. - Cotton Stem c.s. - Cucurbita Stem l.s. - Dandelion Fuzz w.m. - Dense Connective Tissue sec. - Dog Cardiac Muscle l.s. - Dog Esophagus c.s. - Dog Skeletal Muscle l.s. & c.s. - Dog Small Intestine sec. - Dog Smooth Muscle l.s. & c.s. - Dog Squamous Epithelium w.m. - Dog Stomach sec. - Earthworm c.s. - Honeybee Leg w.m. - Honeybee Mouth Parts w.m. - Honeybee Wings w.m. - Housefly Mouth Parts w.m. - Human Blood smear - Hydra l.s. - Hydrilla Verticillata Leaf w.m. - Leaf of Winter Jasmine c.s. - Lilium Anther c.s. - Lilium Ovary c.s. - Locust Wing w.m. - Loose Connective Tissue w.m. - Mantis Wing w.m. - Nymphasa (Spongy Tissue) c.s. - Nymphasa Aqustio Stem c.s. - Onion Epidermis w.m. - Penicillium w.m. - Pig Motor Nerve w.m. - Pine Leaf c.s. - Pine Pollen w.m. - Pine Stem c.s. - Pumpkin Stem c.s. - Rabbit Artery and Vein c.s. - Rabbit Hyaline Cartilage sec. - Rabbit Lymph Node sec. - Rabbit Spinal Cord c.s. - Rabbit Testis sec. - Stomata-Vicia Faba Leaf w.m. - Sunflower Stem c.s. - Tilia Stem c.s. - Wool Sheep w.m. - Young Root of Broad Bean c.s. - Zea Stem c.s. - Zea Stem l.s.

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Last updated
February 20, 2025

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