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Governing Academia: Who Is in Charge at the Modern University? (Paperback)

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Product Name
Governing Academia: Who Is in Charge at the Modern University? (Paperback)
Product Description

Public concern over sharp increases in undergraduate tuition has led many to question why colleges and universities cannot behave more like businesses and cut their costs to hold tuition down. Ronald G. Ehrenberg and his coauthors assert that understanding how academic institutions are governed provides part of the answer.Factors that influence the governance of academic institutions include how states regulate higher education and govern their public institutions; the size and method of selection of boards of trustees; the roles of trustees administrators and faculty in shared governance at campuses; how universities are organized for fiscal and academic purposes; the presence or absence of collective bargaining for faculty staff and graduate student assistants; pressures from government regulations donors insurance carriers athletic conferences and accreditation agencies; and competition from for-profit providers.Governing Academia which covers all these aspects of governance is enlightening and accessible for anyone interested in higher education. The authors are leading academic administrators and scholars from a wide range of fields including economics education law political science and public policy.Contributors: Ronald G. Ehrenberg Cornell University; James O. Freedman Dartmouth College; Thomas H. Hammond Michigan State University; Donald E. Heller Pennsylvania State University; Benjamin E. Hermalin University of California Berkeley; Gabriel E. Kaplan University of Colorado; Adam T. Kezsbom Cornell University; Daniel B. Klaff Cornell University; Susanne Lohmann University of California Los Angeles; Matthew P. Nagowski Cornell University; Michael A. Olivas University of Houston Law Center; Brian Pusser University of Virginia; Sarah E. Turner University of Virginia; John D. Wilson Michigan State University

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March 4, 2025

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