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Offensive Films (Paperback)

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Offensive Films (Paperback)
Product Description

Brottman offers up a study of movies so offensive some are practically unwatchable. From the ever-popular Faces of Death movies to purported snuff films from classic B-movies such as The Tingler to more popular but no less controversial films such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Brottman takes a wide-eyed look at movies most folks watch only through parted fingers. While most critics have been quick to dismiss such films as mere shock-fests (if they even bother to talk about them at all) Brottman argues that these movies tell us quite a bit about who we are as a society what makes us anxious and what taboos we truly believe cannot be crossed. Part anthropology part psychoanalysis Offensive Films vivisects these movies in order to figure out just what about them is so offensive obscene or bizarre. In the end Brottman proves that these films shunned from the cinematic canon work on us in sophisticated ways we often choose to remain unaware of.

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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