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PacknWood Mini Wooden Cone.25 oz Capacity Case of 2000

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Product Name
PacknWood Mini Wooden Cone.25 oz Capacity Case of 2000
Product Description

Made of wood our cones come in a variety of different sizes for any culinary creation. Our cones can be used for canapes appetizers sides desserts or tapas. Perfect for any occasion. Packnwood is a well-established French manufacturer that specializes in the design and manufacture of elegant disposable food packaging. Packnwood offers the largest selection of plates skewers mini dishes bake ware serving-ware which are made from the most unique and natural materials: Bamboo Wood Palm Leaf Sugar Cane and Cornstarch all with a French touch to the design and presentation. Measurements are done in LxWxH format

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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