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Advances in Child Development and Behavi Advances in Child Development and Behavior: Volume 33 Book 33 (Hardcover)
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The Advances in Child Behavior and Development series has a well-deserved reputation for publishing seminal articles that move established programs of developmental scholarship forward in creative new directions. Consistent with this reputation the articles in Volume 33 of the series offer ground-breaking work on topics as diverse as children s problem-solving strategies intentionality mathematical reasoning and socialization within and beyond school settings. Although the substantive topics differ what unites the contributions are their uniformly high level of scholarship creativity theoretical sophistication and attention to developmental processes. The volume is thus valuable not only to scholars with interests in the specialized topics covered in the articles but also to anyone interested in learning about developmental mechanisms and thus to anyone interested in promoting developmental outcomes in both cognitive and social domains. Lynn S. Liben Distinguished Professor of Psychology Pennsylvania State University USA Advances in Child Development and Behavior is designed to provide scholarly technical articles and speculation. In these critical reviews recent advances in the field are summarized and integrated complexities are exposed and fresh viewpoints are offered. Contributors are encouraged to criticize integrate and stimulate but always within a framework of high scholarship. These reviews should be useful not only to the expert in the area but also to the general reader.
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