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Bio-Bibliographies in the Performing Arts: John Barrymore: A Bio-Bibliography (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Bio-Bibliographies in the Performing Arts: John Barrymore: A Bio-Bibliography (Hardcover)
Product Description

Appearing in about 60 films and dozens of stage and radio productions John Barrymore (1882-1942) was arguably the most idolized performing arts figure of his generation. Renowned for his ability to make even the flimsiest roles come to life with power and passion the Great Profile reached his apex with title role performances in stagings of Richard III (1920) and Hamlet (1922-25). This book charts his legendary and sometimes scandalous life and career. A biography discusses his love of roles requiring physical or psychological distortion his four failed marriages and his memorable achievements on the stage and screen. Chapters that follow contain entries for his performances in stage film and radio productions with each entry providing cast and credit listings plot synopses critical commentary and excerpts from reviews. Also included are a discography a chapter on plays and films with characters modeled after Barrymore an annotated bibliography and discussions of archives and special collections. The volume closes with a personal essay by Barrymore s Shakespearean vocal coach Margaret Carrington. This essay written by a pivotal figure in Barrymore s development as a serious actor has never before been published.

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March 4, 2025

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