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Fisher-Price Pixter Video Software BBC Walking with Dinosaurs with Scene Creator Software

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Product Name
Fisher-Price Pixter Video Software BBC Walking with Dinosaurs with Scene Creator Software
Product Description

Exclusively for Pixter Multi-Media system Play a video....or create your own! See what it was like when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Over 22 minutes of video takes you on a journey from the beginnings of dinosaur life to the continuing mystery of their extinction. You ll see: Coelophysis - cannibalistic scavenger from the Late Triassic period Allosaurus - carnivorous big game hunter from the Late Jurassic period Stegosaurus - spiked-tail plant eater from the Late Jurassic period Ornitholestes - two-legged predator from the Late Jurassic period And more! Or create your own dinosaur video with Scene Creator Software. It s as easy as 1 2 3! Choose background - Select from a variety of prehistoric backgrounds Select animated stampers - Choose dinosaurs and objects. Get ready to put them in motion Play - Watch your video! IN FACTORY SEALED BOX!

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Last updated
February 21, 2025

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