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Nature and Human Societies: Canada and Arctic North America: An Environmental History (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Nature and Human Societies: Canada and Arctic North America: An Environmental History (Hardcover)
Product Description

This comprehensive treatment of the environmental history of northern North America offers a compelling account of the complex encounters of people technology culture and ecology that shaped modern-day Canada and Alaska. From the arrival of the earliest humans to the very latest scientific controversies the environmental history of Canada and Arctic North America is dramatic diverse and crucial for the very survival of the human race. Packed with key facts and analysis this expert guide explores the complex interplay between human societies and the environment from the Aleutian Islands to the Grand Banks and from the Great Lakes to the Arctic Islands How has the challenging environment of America s most northerly regions--with some areas still dominated by native peoples--helped shape politics and trade? What have been the consequences of European contact with this region and its indigenous inhabitants? How did natives and newcomers cope with and change this vast and forbidding territory? Can a perspective on the past help us in grappling with the conflict between oil exploration and wilderness preservation on the North Slope of Alaska? Part of ABC-CLIO s Nature and Human Societies series this unique work charts the region s environmental history from prehistory to modern times and is essential reading for students and experts alike.

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March 4, 2025

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