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Modern Guitar Method Grade 1 Spanish Edition (Paperback)

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Product Name
Modern Guitar Method Grade 1 Spanish Edition (Paperback)
Product Description

Mel Bay s Modern Guitar Method is the world s premier method for learning modern guitar. Now it is available in this package with its companion DVD video. This method written by Mel Bay himself in 1947 is time tested and has proven to be quite successful in building the harmonic knowledge and technique needed to play any style. In book one the guitarist will learn basic notes on the guitar single note playing thirds triads chords and chord progressions. The student will play solos duets scales and chords in the keys of C A minor G and E minor while learning to read musical notation. The 105-minute DVD video follows along with the book offering added instruction and tips along with split-screen right- and left-hand views of the exercises solos and duets being played. The music is also shown on screen (in notation only) so the student can either watch it on screen or follow along in the book.

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March 4, 2025

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