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Art in the Cinematic Imagination (Paperback)

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Product Name
Art in the Cinematic Imagination (Paperback)
Product Description

Bringing an art historical perspective to the realm of American and European film Art in the Cinematic Imagination examines the ways in which films have used works of art and artists themselves as cinematic and narrative motifs. From the use of portraits in Vertigo to the cinematic depiction of women artists in Artemisia and Camille Claudel Susan Felleman incorporates feminist and psychoanalytic criticism to reveal individual and collective perspectives on sex gender identity commerce and class. Probing more than twenty films from the postwar era through contemporary times Art in the Cinematic Imagination considers a range of structurally significant art objects artist characters and art-world settings to explore how the medium of film can amplify reinvent or recontextualize the other visual arts. Fluently speaking across disciplines Felleman s study brings a broad array of methodologies to bear on questions such as the evolution of the Hollywood Love Goddess and the pairing of the feminine with death on screen. A persuasive approach to an engaging body of films Art in the Cinematic Imagination illuminates a compelling and significant facet of the cinematic experience.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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