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Vintage Wedding Cake Toppers (Paperback) by Penny Henderson

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Product Name
Vintage Wedding Cake Toppers (Paperback) by Penny Henderson
Product Description

Full of charm and romance wedding cake toppers are a delightful new collectible whose popularity is increasing rapidly. This expansive survey of toppers dating from the late nineteenth century to the 1990s presents over 575 color photos showing an incredible array of miniature bride and groom figurines in many different styles. Traditional military and cutie figurines are all included each identified by type of material used circa date size and current value. Also shown are cake toppers in the form of cherubs doves and bells plus those used for celebrating special anniversaries. The fascinating text provides a history of wedding cakes bride and groom attire through the decades and tips for determining the age and value of your vintage toppers. Collectors romantics and brides-to-be will all be enchanted by this unique and joyful book.

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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