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Implementing Change : Patterns Principles and Potholes (Edition 2) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Implementing Change : Patterns Principles and Potholes (Edition 2) (Paperback)
Product Description

This book focuses on understanding evaluating and facilitating the change process by presenting a number of research-based constructs and tools along with examples of how each can be used by leaders of change efforts. The change process in schools and other organizations is made complex by the wide array of innovations and the different ways that people respond to their introduction. The primary perspective for understanding change used in this book is the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM). This perspective has been the subject of research for more than thirty-five years. The studies have been conducted in a number of countries and widely applied by change leaders trainers and those who are responsible for evaluating innovation implementation efforts. A new feature in this edition is the inclusion of three new chapters that describe other change perspectives: Systems Diffusion and Organization Development. Also new is a chapter that addresses the development of a Professional Learning Community and aspects of organization culture. The emphasis on understanding the personal side of change with Stages of Concern is maintained. and measures described in the earlier chapters can be used in combination and introduces Postmodernism and Critical Theory as an emerging perspective for understanding change.

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February 5, 2025

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