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H. Eugene and Lillian Youngs Lehman: School Resegregation: Must the South Turn Back? (Paperback)

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H. Eugene and Lillian Youngs Lehman: School Resegregation: Must the South Turn Back? (Paperback)
Product Description

Confronting a reality that many policy makers would prefer to ignore contributors to this volume offer the latest information on the trend toward the racial and socioeconomic resegregation of southern schools. In the region that has achieved more widespread public school integration than any other since 1970 resegregation combined with resource inequities and the current accountability movement is now bringing public education in the South to a critical crossroads. In thirteen essays leading thinkers in the field of race and public education present not only the latest data and statistics on the trend toward resegregation but also legal and policy analysis of why these trends are accelerating how they are harmful and what can be done to counter them. What s at stake is the quality of education available to both white and nonwhite students they argue. This volume will help educators policy makers and concerned citizens begin a much-needed dialogue about how America can best educate its increasingly multiethnic student population in the twenty-first century. Contributors: Karen E. Banks Wake County Public School System Raleigh N.C. John Charles Boger University of North Carolina School of Law Erwin Chemerinsky Duke Law School Charles T. Clotfelter Duke University Susan Leigh Flinspach University of California Santa Cruz Erica Frankenberg Harvard Graduate School of Education Catherine E. Freeman U.S. Department of Education Jay P. Heubert Teachers College Columbia University Jennifer Jellison Holme University of California Los Angeles Michal Kurlaender Harvard Graduate School of Education Helen F. Ladd Duke University Luis M. Laosa Kingston N.J. Jacinta S. Ma U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Roslyn Arlin Mickelson University of North Carolina at Charlotte Gary Orfield Harvard Graduate School of Education Gregory J. Palardy University of Georgia john a. powell Ohio State University Sean F. Reardon Stanford University Russell W. Rumberger University of California Santa Barbara Benjamin Scafidi Georgia State University David L. Sjoquist Georgia State University Jacob L. Vigdor Duke University Amy Stuart Wells Teachers College Columbia University John T. Yun University of California Santa Barbara

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March 4, 2025

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