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The Fun Way to Serious Bridge (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Fun Way to Serious Bridge (Paperback)
Product Description

Learn the basics to bridge in this fun easy-to-understand guide! The Fun Way To Serious Bridge is for anyone who wants to learn and understand the fundamentals of the mind-stimulating and challenging game of bridge--and enjoy every minute of it! Harry Lampert combines his skills as a bridge player and teacher with his artistic talents to bring you a totally new FUN way to learn the game. The magic of his superb cartoons and simple informative language will help you to absorb the principles of serious contract bridge--and remember them. You ll laugh and learn every step of the way from opening bids to strip and end plays. Whether novice or seasoned social player this unique book will make good bridge a simple \ trick.\ You ll learn all about: -Opening bids suit bids response and no trump bids and how to force bids -Competition and the reasons and ways behind it -Big hand bidding such as Blackwood Convention grand slam force and Gerber Convention -Patterns of play including how tricks are won the finesse establishing a long suit when to pull and delay trumps and entries -Defensive and advanced play--plus much more!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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