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Light Sensing in Plants (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Light Sensing in Plants (Hardcover)
Product Description

Plants utilize light not only for photosynthesis but also as environmental signals. They are capable of perceiving wavelength intensity direction duration and other attributes of light to perform appropriate physiological and developmental changes. This volume presents overviews of and the latest findings in many of the interconnected aspects of plant photomorphogenesis including photoreceptors (phytochromes cryptochromes and phototropins) signal transduction photoperiodism and circadian rhythms in 42 chapters. Also included is a prologue by Prof. Masaki Furuya that gives an overview of the historical background. With contributions from preeminent researchers in specific subjects from around the world this book will be a valuable source for a range of scientists from undergraduate to professional levels.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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