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The Aging Spine (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Aging Spine (Paperback)
Product Description

Dieter Grob It is the merit of the Bone and Joint in view of the generally reduced Decade to draw our attention with health situation of the involved - increased intensity to the problem of tients. The important role of the the changes related to aging of our biphosphonates in the treatment and musculoskeletal system and the asso- perhaps even more so in the prev- ciated socioeconomic implications. tion of osteoporosis is emphasized In view of the increasing age of the by Fleisch. worldwide population the impact Any successful surgical treatment seems to be tremendous. I congratu- starts with accurate diagnostic pro- late the editors of the present supple- dures. The profound knowledge and ment of the European Spine Journal sophisticated diagnostic techniques in picking up this interesting topic of the complex pathoanatomical and engaging opinion leaders to con- changes in the spine including the tribute their knowledge in this sup- involvement of the neural structures plement. The various contributions (contribution by Dvorak) often go cover some of the important prob- beyond the capacity of a spine s- lems which are included in the vast geon. Teamwork and adequate c- specter of aging spine: osteoporosis munication is mandatory.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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