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Pandolfini s Endgame Course : Basic Endgame Concepts Explained by America s Leading Chess Teacher (Paperback)

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Product Name
Pandolfini s Endgame Course : Basic Endgame Concepts Explained by America s Leading Chess Teacher (Paperback)
Product Description

Based on his private course for students America s foremost chess coach and game strategist for Netflix s The Queen s Gambit presents an easy-to-use guide that explains invaluable inner circle endgame concepts for players of any level. The endgame has always been a particularly instructive phase of chess play. It provides the perfect opportunity for understanding the potential power of each chess piece in every chess situation--from opening move to checkmate. But the endgame is often viewed as an inaccessible area of play by most players whose experience is limited to watching championship games. Now Pandolfini changes all of that. With one endgame example per page and covering every endgame category in order of difficulty Paldolfini walks you through all the basic concepts including: --square of the pawn --critical squares --corresponding squares --other new approaches not mentioned in classic references Featuring a glossary of concepts and diagrams throughout this volume is the not-so-secret password to a whole new realm of chess play and entertainment for the average player.

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March 4, 2025

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