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Missing Manuals: iWork 05: The Missing Manual (Paperback)

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Missing Manuals: iWork 05: The Missing Manual (Paperback)
Product Description

Introduced by Apple in January 2005 iWork 05 is an innovative new suite of document and presentation software that s the same caliber as Apple s groundbreaking digital media applications and that s wholly dedicated to what Mac users like you care about most: artistry and creativity. iWork 05 isn t about office productivity --it s about creating slick and stylish documents and cinema-quality digital presentations that say precisely what you want them to say. While iWork 05 helps you create stunning documents and presentations the suite doesn t come with any in-depth documentation of its own. That s where iWork 05: The Missing Manual comes in. The book that should have been in the box it gives you everything you need to master iWork 05. Seamlessly integrated with the wildly popular iLife 05 and designed to take advantage of the advanced typography and graphics engine of Mac OS X iWork is actually two separate programs: Pages and Keynote 2. Pages is a brand-new streamlined word processor and page layout program that allows nonprofessionals to quickly and painlessly produce gorgeous brochures newsletters letters invitations product data sheets and more. You can start documents from scratch or use one of the 40 professionally designed templates as a starting point. Keynote 2 is a significant upgrade to Keynote Apple s PowerPoint-like presentation software that allows you to build unique presentations demonstrations storyboard animations interactive slideshows and more. Like every Missing Manual this one is refreshingly entertaining and scrupulously detailed. iWork 05: The Missing Manual gives you all the essentials of Pages and Keynote 2 including an objective look at each program s capabilities its advantages over similar programs and its limitations. The book delivers countless goodies that you won t find anywhere else: undocumented tips tricks and secrets for getting the very best results from both exciting new applications. With the iWork 05 suite and iWork 05: The Missing Manual you are totally equipped to give your work the style it deserves.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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