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Practical Theory for New Administrators Educative Leadership: A Practical Theory For New Administrators And Managers (Paperback)

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Product Name
Practical Theory for New Administrators Educative Leadership: A Practical Theory For New Administrators And Managers (Paperback)
Product Description

Responding to the international problem identified by the US National Commission on Excellence in Educational Administration that the field of educational leadership lacks a good definition this book reports a collaboration process that produced a practical theory of educative leadership. In offering a holistic theory which deals with the abstract world of ideas and reflection this volume shows how these ideas are translated into management practice and what happens or what is likely to happen in such a process. The theory integrates management and evaluation with the philosophical strategic political and inspirational services that educative leaders give. It is aimed at lecturers in education administration/management headteachers MEd lecturers and students leadership and management lecturers and students.

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March 4, 2025

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