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Alliance Rubber Co 08994 Supersize Rubber Bands 12 x 1/4 18 Count Resealable Bag Red

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Product Name
Alliance Rubber Co 08994 Supersize Rubber Bands 12 x 1/4 18 Count Resealable Bag Red
Product Description

Packaging shipping and storage are made easy with SuperSize Bands. Use these industrial-strength elastic bands to secure large containers or trash bin liners and keep big odd-shaped items safely bundled. Use these large elastic bands to keep box flaps open while packing or picking. Then use the bands to keep boxes tightly closed. While a drum liner can easily slip out of place causing a mess inside a garbage bin these heavy-duty rubber bands keep liners securely in place. Store large items like carpets and mats or secure plastic tarps and coverings over large pieces of furniture. Strong and flexible these big rubber bands can be reused many times. They are an excellent alternative to packaging tape twine and strapping for storage and shipping. Rubber bands are made from latex material a rapidly renewable resource.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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