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For Pros By Pros: Roofing Flashing and Waterproofing (Paperback)

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For Pros By Pros: Roofing Flashing and Waterproofing (Paperback)
Product Description

To get the best remodeling results you need solid advice from the best in the business. For Pros by Pros(R) books bring you field-tested techniques and real-world experience from the expert builders and remodeling pros who write for Fine Homebuilding magazine. Roofing Flashing and Waterproofing gives you the technical expertise and seasoned advice you need to protect your work from water the home s eternal enemy. Leaks large and small cause the majority of damage in the house and efforts to prevent or repair that damage account for most of the money spent on home repair. This book presents the basic principles you need to know to waterproof residential structures properly to protect them from water intrusion and to prevent callbacks for flashing or roofing failures.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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