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The Geneva ACT (1999) of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Geneva ACT (1999) of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs (Hardcover)
Product Description

The Hague Agreement has provided international protection for industrial designs since 1925. The latest of several revisions agreed upon at Geneva in 1999 is operational as of April 1 2004 under the administration of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The global protection of industrial designs accommodating all forms of national protection systems will be based on this treaty. This in-depth analysis by William T. Fryer III a well-known Professor of Law and patent attorney who participated [and participant] in the meetings and diplomatic conference that led up to the 1999 Act (as well as in subsequent user meetings) is unlikely to be superseded. It presents a detailed drafting history and expert analysis as well as incomparable strategic guidance for attorneys businesses and governments in the implementation of the Act s provisions. Readers can expect all of the following and more: an overall understanding of how the 1999 Act operates to amend and update the Hague Agreement; expert analysis of the Act s key features; detailed exploration of the Act s drafting history; strategic insights into using the Act s provisions to protect industrial designs; guidance for governments considering adherence to the Act; and a source book for the main treaty documents. The book will be of inestimable value to lawyers worldwide working in intellectual property protection as well as to industrial designers businesses and government officials in trade policy. It is an essential addition to all law libraries.

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Last updated
January 14, 2025

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