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Pre-Owned - Peacemaker The Complete Collection

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Product Name
Pre-Owned - Peacemaker The Complete Collection
Product Description

Based on a popular manga the blood-drenched anime series PEACEMAKER follows the adventures of a teenage samurai as he teeters between childhood innocence and adult experience in the Meiji period of 19th-century Japan. Tetsunosuke Ichimura was a young child when his parents were murdered by an evil band of Choshu assassins; at the age of 15 he finally gets his chance at revenge by joining their enemies the Shinsengumi samurai. But when Tetsunosuke discovers that his new comrades are in reality an army of demons he must decide whether to continue to ally himself with these forces of darkness or follow his father s footsteps on the path toward peace. This collection presents the action-packed anime series in its entirety with seven volumes of episodes.

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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