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Cokem International Preown Ps3 Child Of Eden

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Product Name
Cokem International Preown Ps3 Child Of Eden
Product Description

Multi-sensory effect: A visionary entertainment experience that synchronizes stunning graphics and innovative sound design to electrify the senses. By bringing physics in synergy with spectacular visuals and audio, Child of Eden is the next-generation sensory experience. The PlayStation 3 version goes even further by offering the experience in full stereoscopic 3D.The world of Eden: Coming straight from Tetsuya Mizuguchi's creative mind: a unique, surprising, rich and beautiful world.Controls: Simple and natural. Designed for standard controllers and the PlayStation Move for the PS3. The PlayStation Move captures a full range of motion giving you ultimate control over how you play the game. There are other added bonuses, like the ability to hook up multiple controllers for added sensory effects.

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Last updated
December 7, 2024

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