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Spiderman Ride-On Toy Box

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Product Name
Spiderman Ride-On Toy Box
Product Description

Spiderman Ride-On Toy Box This VRÜM Ride-On toy box and storage case makes it easy to take your toys with you on the go. The roomy interior lock and unlock feature as well as the dual purpose strap makes life easier for parents on the go. The strap can be used for carrying and and pulling and the size of the storage case means your children have plenty of toys to take with them on the road. VRÜM fits in overhead travel compartments or under the seat in front of you. At the same time it is a unique toy box that can turn into a toy itself and be ridden by your kids. Ride it. Pull it. Take it with you! VRÜM ride-along toy box and storage case is fun cute and useful for parents! Product Details: Measurements 18 long x 12.3 height x 8 depth; Suitable for children ages 3-6; Ride-on Toy Box Has A Roomy Interior And Lock To Take Toys On The Go; Use It In Multiple Ways - Pull It When On The Go Or As A Ride Along Toy; Dual Purpose Strap Used For Both Pulling And Carrying; VRÜM Fits In Overhead Travel Compartment Or Under The Seat In Front Of You; Ride Along On Your Storage Case and Have Fun While You Carry Your Toys;

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Last updated
December 12, 2024

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