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Loeb Classical Library: Metaphysics Volume I: Books 1-9 (Hardcover)

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Loeb Classical Library: Metaphysics Volume I: Books 1-9 (Hardcover)
Product Description

First things. Aristotle great Greek philosopher researcher reasoner and writer born at Stagirus in 384 BC was the son of a physician. He studied under Plato at Athens and taught there (367-347); subsequently he spent three years at the court of a former pupil in Asia Minor. After some time at Mitylene in 343-342 he was appointed by King Philip of Macedon to be tutor of his teen-aged son Alexander. After Philip s death in 336 Aristotle became head of his own school (of Peripatetics ) the Lyceum at Athens. Because of anti-Macedonian feeling there after Alexander s death in 323 he withdrew to Chalcis in Euboea where he died in 322. Nearly all the works Aristotle prepared for publication are lost; the priceless ones extant are lecture-materials notes and memoranda (some are spurious). They can be categorized as follows: I Practical: Nicomachean Ethics; Great Ethics (Magna Moralia); Eudemian Ethics; Politics; Economics (on the good of the family); On Virtues and Vices. II Logical: Categories; Analytics (Prior and Posterior); Interpretation; Refutations used by Sophists; Topica. III Physical: Twenty-six works (some suspect) including astronomy generation and destruction the senses memory sleep dreams life facts about animals etc. IV Metaphysics: on being as being. V Art: Rhetoric and Poetics. VI Other works including the Constitution of Athens; more works also of doubtful authorship. VII Fragments of various works such as dialogues on philosophy and literature; and of treatises on rhetoric politics and metaphysics. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Aristotle is in twenty-three volumes.

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March 4, 2025

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