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Optima Lighting RGB LED DMX controller w/ color chase fades sound active

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Product Name
Optima Lighting RGB LED DMX controller w/ color chase fades sound active
Product Description

PAR LED-C is a RGB LED controller featured with color chase and fades of RGB LED and operated via DMX sound active etc. that will provide you splendid vision enjoyment. This controller not have the ability to control each unit individually - control all units at the same time. Features: - Blackout- Disables or enables all channel outputs. - FULL ON - All LEDs on. - SOUND ACTIVE - Activates Sound Active mode. Chase mode must be active for Sound Active to work. - MASTER FADE - to control the dimming and strobe effect. - SPEED/FADE TIME FADE - adjust the speed of the chaser or the fade time of a program. - CHASE/COLOR MIX FADE - choose your chase or color mix. - COLOR MIX BUTTON - activate the Color mix programs. Use the Chase/Color Mix fade to select one of 32 Color mixes. - CHASE BUTTON - activate the Chase programs. Use the Chase/Color Mix fade to select one of 12 chases. - HOLD BUTTON - use to hold one of nine colors. - COLOR SELECT BUTTONS - Select one of the nine colors. Hold must be selected for Color Select to work. Specifications: - DMX Output: 3Pin female XLR Equipment Type Controller Application Controller Protocol DMX Power 9V-12V Length (in) 8.90 Width (in) 6.90 Height (in) 4.40 Weight (lbs) 2.90

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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