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Ethics and the Arts (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Ethics and the Arts (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book proposes that the highest expression of ethics is an aesthetic. It suggests that the quintessential performance of any field of practice is an art that captures an ethic beyond any literal statement of values. This is to advocate for a shift in emphasis away from current juridical approaches to ethics (ethical codes or regulation) toward ethics as an aesthetic practice--away from ethics as a minimal requirement toward ethics as an aspiration. The book explores the relationship between art and ethics: a subject that has fascinated philosophers from ancient Greece to the present. It explores this relationship in all the arts: literature the visual arts film the performing arts and music. It also examines current issues raised by hybrid artists who are working at the ambiguous intersections between art bio art and bioethics and challenging ethical limits in working with living materials. In considering these issues the book investigates the potential for art and ethics to be mutually challenged and changed in this meeting. The book is aimed at artists and students of the arts who may be interested in approaching ethics and the arts in a new way. It is also aimed at students and teachers of ethics and philosophy as well as those working in bioethics and the health professions. It will have appeal to the general educated reader as being current of considerable interest and offering a perspective on ethics that goes beyond a professional context to include questions about how one approaches ethics in one s own life and practices.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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