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Building Spelling Skills Gr 5

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Product Name
Building Spelling Skills Gr 5
Product Description

Building spelling skills grade 5 teacher s edition book contains 30 spelling units comprised of a spelling list sentences for dictation and four reproducible student practice pages. Evan-Moor Spelling skills book for grade 5 helps students learn 10 spelling words per week. Paperback book with 160 pages includes forms for weekly testing record keeping and suggestions for teaching spelling strategies. • Age group and grade: Ages 10 - 11 and grades 5th. • Language: English. • Format: paperback. • Number of pages: 160. • Students will learn 18 spelling words per week. • Three sentences for dictation are provided for each list. • Also includes forms for weekly testing record keeping and suggestions for teaching spelling strategies. • Usage ideas: Helping students increase their spelling competencies. • Spelling lists include the following contractions blends vowel sounds prefixes and suffixes compound words words with silent letters easily confused spellings multisyllable words irregular plurals. • Practice pages include the following: A spelling list with spaces to read write and spell each word word meaning exercises with phonetic elements and other types of word study editing for spelling. • Reproducible forms includes spelling record form individual spelling record spelling test form spelling list form word sort form parent letter. • Each book contains 30 spelling units comprised of a spelling list sentences for dictation and four reproducible student practice pages. • Author: Jo Ellen Moore. • Sold as 1 Each.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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