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Vintage Classics: The Professor s House (Paperback)

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Product Name
Vintage Classics: The Professor s House (Paperback)
Product Description

A lyrical and bittersweet novel of a middle-aged man losing control of his life that s a brilliant study in emotional dislocation and renewal--from one of the most highly acclaimed authors of the twentieth century. Professor Godfrey St. Peter is a man in his fifties who has devoted his life to his work his wife his garden and his daughters and achieved success with all of them. But when St. Peter is called on to move to a new more comfortable house something in him rebels. And although at first that rebellion consists of nothing more than mild resistance to his family s wishes it imperceptibly comes to encompass the entire order of his life. The Professor s House combines a delightful grasp of the social and domestic rituals of a Midwestern university town in the 1920s with profound spiritual and psychological introspection.

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Last updated
March 2, 2025

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