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What Makes Sammy Run? (Paperback)

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Product Name
What Makes Sammy Run? (Paperback)
Product Description

The classic book that shaped two generations view of the movie business and introduced the archetypal Hollywood player Sammy Glick. He s got a machete mouth and a genius for double-cross. As Budd Shulberg--author of the screenplay On the Waterfront--follows Sammy s relentless upward progress he creates a virtuoso study in character that manages to be hilariously appalling yet deeply compassionate. \ Sammy Glick remains at the top of the Hollywood sleaze heap a hustler nonpareil.... What Makes Sammy Run? Is still the quintessential novel about \ the all-American heel. \ - Moredcai Richler GQ

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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