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Vintage International: The Crossing : Border Trilogy (2) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Vintage International: The Crossing : Border Trilogy (2) (Paperback)
Product Description

NATIONAL BESTSELLER - The second volume of the award-winning Border Trilogy--From the bestselling author of The Passenger and the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Road--fulfills the promise of All the Pretty Horses and at the same time give us a work that is darker and more visionary a novel with the unstoppable momentum of a classic western and the elegaic power of a lost American myth. In the late 1930s sixteen-year-old Billy Parham captures a she-wolf that has been marauding his family s ranch. But instead of killing it he decides to take it back to the mountains of Mexico. With that crossing he begins an arduous and often dreamlike journey into a country where men meet ghosts and violence strikes as suddenly as heat-lightning--a world where there is no order save that which death has put there. An essential novel by any measure The Crossing is luminous and appalling a book that touches stops and starts the heart and mind at once. Look for Cormac McCarthy s latest bestselling novels The Passenger and Stella Maris.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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